TIBET (The Qinghai
- Tibet Plateau)

Tibet is the most famous of China's adventure travel areas
and is also of primaty interest to us. We have the
contacts and experience to do Tibetan adventure travel right.
Tibet is called the " rood of the world ", a reference to
its being the highest, widest mountain plateau on earth. In
the past it was low-lying seas and palm trees. But with the
collision of India with China, the mountains were born. Now
much of the plateau is a frozen wilderness of dry winds and
vast empty spaces under dark blue cloudless sunny skies. This
is the edge of the atmosphere your walking around in here; you
are bumping your head against the edge of outer space.
Poets have written reams of verse in praise of the mountains
of Tibet, 70% of which are over 4000 meters high, with many
peaks breaking the 7000-meter mark. Primitive tribes are sparsely
scattered over more than a million square kilometers of wildness
prairie land. Many of the large rivers of Asia originate in
Tibet and somewhere in the mists of its history lie some of
the secrets of the great migrations of early humans into China.
Tibet is the land of the Tibetan Buddhism and few other places
in the world have melded their religion and their culture so
tightly together. Four million Tibetan people live and worship
on the plateau and they keep alive their traditional faith and
culture alive despite inevitable intrusions of the modern world.
There is something about witnessing this culture, under the
eternal gaze of snow-bound mountains, that draw the most interesting
travelers from all over the world. That's one of the fringe
benefits of travelling to Tibet: the company you keep. Besides
the Tibetans themselves, you meet some of the world's great
Our itineraries in Tibet travel include not only the Autonomous
Region of Tibet but also Tibetan areas in adjoining provinces,
such as Qinghai and Sichuan and Yunnan. We are equipped o do
vehicle tours, horseback tours as well as long distance hikes
and climbs. We also conduct white water rafting expeditions
and guide scientific investigation teams.
The combined knowledge of our guides encompasses a wide selection
of routes and we guarantee safety and reliability in a land
where such guarantees are very important. We have experience
in guiding professionals on study tours, as well as amateurs
on exploratory visits. You are the boss. You pick the place,
we will take you there and back safely and efficiently. Let
us spend your time on the details that most interest you.